Responding to David Wiley

I responded today to a post by David Wiley's blog. He posted an interesting review about a book on learning styles research--which I have a problem with. I posted a comment outlining how I feel. It will be fun to watch what happens here. This is quite a polarizing topic. To me, it seems to separate those who can think from those who can't.



  1. John,

    I feel bothered by the learning style type of research too. As you indicated, the learning styles are often treated as absolute.

    While research studies are trying to justify learning styles based on anatomical differences in the brain(e.g field-independence vs. field-dependence, etc.), one issue ignored by researchers is the nature of learning tasks in relation to the dichotomies of learning style. Since a specific learning task will have its own particular requirements, I wonder whether this bipolar approach can be applied to learning tasks.


  2. I couldn't see anything on Wiley's blog. Did you get any response?
