As I was going through my Google Reader earlier today, I came across a post by Michael Slezak on Entertainment Weekly's PopWatch Blog. It was entitled "the last five songs you played." Basically, he asked the question what were the last five songs played on your iPod. I'll tell you mine, but I'm curious what yours were. If you get the hankerin' to, drop me a comment and let me know what kind of mood you're in today. Mine are after the jump--videos embedded!
Because of You, Reba McEntire and Kelly Clarkson
This Cowboy's Hat, Chris Ledoux
Five Dollar Fine, Chris Ledoux
One Thing Leads to Another, The Fixx
Love is a Battlefield, Pat Benetar
You need to look out for this sign because it is m8win a tremendous indication that they are hiding something or someone from you. You might later regret those actions – in particular when you get caught but cheating doesn’t need to get both of you calling everything off. Lastly, if the gut strongly bothers you during the night for no immediate and apparent reason in any way, then bancazui this is really your subconscious hinting to end your self-denials face the problem and surrender in your instincts.