Links for 1-13-08 to 1-18-08

OK, so I'm going to have to do something about this. It would seem that even though I've been trying to limit what I am marking weekly, I keep marking more. I've started limiting what I star or share on my Google Reader to items that I want to respond to in a separate post, but I still have TWENTY-NINE links for today--nineteen from my reader, and ten from my account. I might have to start doing this more than once a week.

See the links after the jump.


By the way, it is always fun for me to see how many other people have linked to something I linked to on As for these, the iMovie tutorials had the least amount of links, with three other people, and Zotero had the most with a whopping 5660 other people!

Links from my Google Reader:

I'm late for leaving on a camping trip, so I'll have to annotate these on Monday. I didn't want my loyal four subscribers to be without this week's links, though!

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