Learner as the designer: An instructional design and learning model for Web 2.0

Notes and thoughts from listening to Jeremy Tutty, Boise State University

Man, don’t ever start your presentation saying that you’re not sure if what you are saying is correct or not.  YIKES!
What can we do to promote effective learning with Web 2.0 tools?

Reflect on our own practice. What do we do that works?

Key characteristics: dynamic, social, collaborative

Analyze learners, devise authentic tasks, provide necessary support and feedback, use self and peer evaluation

Where is this going? Oh, he said you become more a facilitator than an instructor.  Interesting. That’s what my master’s thesis said in 1996.

Great. He’s talking constructivism and social learning theory.  Social Construction of Technology (SCOT) theory and Connectivism. He’s talking about knowledge existing outside of us.  Isn’t that wrong as far as constructivism goes?

Conceptual framework: social/collaborative; learner as designer; knowledge management.

I’m sitting in the wrong spot. This guy is standing RIGHT IN MY WAY, and I can’t see everything on his slides.  Kind of funny actually.

I just wonder why people don’t just get to the point.  No need to go to New York City by way of San Francisco . . .

How do learners become their own designers?   How will they work to design meaningful instruction? As he goes through all this theory I don’t think anyone came to hear, I just wonder where this is going to go.

Phases of Web 2.0 ID:
Collaboration and Personalization

I wish you could see this model he has on PowerPoint. It makes Dick and Carey look user friendly.  Seriously.  Talk about the fog getting in the way of the game.  I count 12 circles, three boxes, and three arrows. AMAZINGLY cluttered.  I’ll be honest with you here. I’m so put off by just how it looks visually, that I’m not paying much attention to what it is that he is trying to say. This guy seems like a really nice guy, he also seems nervous, and I appreciate the fact that they are working and trying to add to the body of knowledge in the field, but this just isn’t sitting well with me.

How will the learners know how to create an authentic task? How do they know what the best tool for them to use is?  Those seem to be big cognitive leaps for learners.

I’m not gonna lie. We’re ten minutes into this, and he’s lost me.  I’m not sure that I’m willing to follow him down this road.

Interesting. As he talks about what the students thought when they used it, the students thought it was A LOT OF WORK.  But yet, the students seemed to enjoy it.

One of the questions here the presenter is asking is whether or not we think this is a model.  One guy here in the audience just responded, “if you think it’s a model, then it’s a model.” Um, I don’t think so.

Overall impression: Needs work.

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